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/ Discoveries 3: From 1789 to 1945 / Discoveries 3: From 1789 to 1945.iso

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Directories (1)
Name# Files

Archives (305)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
1025.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 178KB 1997-09-05
1026.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 784KB 1997-09-05
1028.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 710KB 1997-09-05
1030.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 982KB 1997-09-05
1032.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 1MB 1997-09-05
1032.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 3MB 1997-09-05
1034.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 901KB 1997-09-05
1036.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1038.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 837KB 1997-09-05
1040.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 766KB 1997-09-05
1041.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 184KB 1997-09-05
1042.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1044.mi Microsoft Compound Document 4 2MB 1997-09-05
1044.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 4 4MB 1997-09-05
1046.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1048.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 852KB 1997-09-05
1050.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 964KB 1997-09-05
1052.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 572KB 1997-09-05
1054.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1057.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 173KB 1997-09-05
1058.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1060.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1062.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1064.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 669KB 1997-09-05
1066.mi Microsoft Compound Document 4 2MB 1997-09-05
1066.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 4 5MB 1997-09-05
1068.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 975KB 1997-09-05
1070.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1073.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 121KB 1997-09-05
1074.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1076.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
1076.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 4MB 1997-09-05
1077.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 684KB 1997-09-05
1078.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 2MB 1997-09-05
1082.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 905KB 1997-09-05
1086.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1088.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 737KB 1997-09-05
1090.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 737KB 1997-09-05
1092.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 915KB 1997-09-05
1094.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 843KB 1997-09-05
1096.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 1MB 1997-09-05
1096.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
1098.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1100.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1104.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 806KB 1997-09-05
1105.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 178KB 1997-09-05
1106.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 808KB 1997-09-05
1108.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1111.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 946KB 1997-09-05
1112.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1114.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1116.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1118.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 893KB 1997-09-05
1128.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
1128.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 4MB 1997-09-05
1137.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 179KB 1997-09-05
1138.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 846KB 1997-09-05
1140.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1142.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 773KB 1997-09-05
1146.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 839KB 1997-09-05
1148.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 954KB 1997-09-05
1150.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 950KB 1997-09-05
1153.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 179KB 1997-09-05
1154.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 925KB 1997-09-05
1156.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 2MB 1997-09-05
1158.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1160.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1164.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 3MB 1997-09-05
1164.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 5MB 1997-09-05
1166.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 780KB 1997-09-05
1168.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 930KB 1997-09-05
1170.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 985KB 1997-09-05
1172.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 885KB 1997-09-05
1174.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 751KB 1997-09-05
1176.mi Microsoft Compound Document 4 1MB 1997-09-05
1176.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 4 3MB 1997-09-05
1178.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 866KB 1997-09-05
1180.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 836KB 1997-09-05
1182.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 987KB 1997-09-05
1184.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 893KB 1997-09-05
1186.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1188.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1190.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 2MB 1997-09-05
1192.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
1192.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 5MB 1997-09-05
1196.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1198.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1202.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 870KB 1997-09-05
1204.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1208.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 952KB 1997-09-05
1210.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
1210.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 3MB 1997-09-05
1212.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 827KB 1997-09-05
1214.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 873KB 1997-09-05
1217.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 165KB 1997-09-05
1218.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 2MB 1997-09-05
1220.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1222.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 877KB 1997-09-05
1224.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 1MB 1997-09-05
1224.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 3MB 1997-09-05
1225.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 627KB 1997-09-05
1226.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1228.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1230.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 843KB 1997-09-05
1233.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 180KB 1997-09-05
1234.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 532KB 1997-09-05
1236.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1238.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1240.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1242.mi Microsoft Compound Document 4 2MB 1997-09-05
1242.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 4 4MB 1997-09-05
1244.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1246.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 915KB 1997-09-05
1248.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 984KB 1997-09-05
1249.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 184KB 1997-09-05
1250.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1254.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1256.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1258.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
1258.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 3MB 1997-09-05
1259.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 777KB 1997-09-05
1260.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1262.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1266.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1269.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 867KB 1997-09-05
1270.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 858KB 1997-09-05
1272.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1274.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 837KB 1997-09-05
1276.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 830KB 1997-09-05
1278.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 2MB 1997-09-05
1282.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1284.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 962KB 1997-09-05
1286.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 985KB 1997-09-05
1288.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1290.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 671KB 1997-09-05
1292.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1294.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 2MB 1997-09-05
1297.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 176KB 1997-09-05
1298.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1302.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1304.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1306.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 658KB 1997-09-05
1308.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1310.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
1310.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 3MB 1997-09-05
1313.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 173KB 1997-09-05
1314.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1316.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1318.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 767KB 1997-09-05
1320.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 746KB 1997-09-05
1322.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1324.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 1MB 1997-09-05
1324.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 3MB 1997-09-05
1329.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 183KB 1997-09-05
1330.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 804KB 1997-09-05
1332.mi Microsoft Compound Document 4 1MB 1997-09-05
1332.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 4 4MB 1997-09-05
1334.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 995KB 1997-09-05
1336.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 688KB 1997-09-05
1338.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1342.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1346.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 1MB 1997-09-05
1346.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 3MB 1997-09-05
1348.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 708KB 1997-09-05
1350.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1354.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 761KB 1997-09-05
1356.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 646KB 1997-09-05
1358.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 932KB 1997-09-05
1362.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1364.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 943KB 1997-09-05
1366.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 926KB 1997-09-05
1368.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 1MB 1997-09-05
1368.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 3MB 1997-09-05
1370.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 727KB 1997-09-05
1372.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 928KB 1997-09-05
1374.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 808KB 1997-09-05
1377.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 174KB 1997-09-05
1378.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 694KB 1997-09-05
1380.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 965KB 1997-09-05
1382.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1384.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 652KB 1997-09-05
1386.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 956KB 1997-09-05
1388.mi Microsoft Compound Document 4 1MB 1997-09-05
1388.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 4 3MB 1997-09-05
1390.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1393.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 166KB 1997-09-05
1394.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 927KB 1997-09-05
1396.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 859KB 1997-09-05
1398.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 930KB 1997-09-05
1400.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 995KB 1997-09-05
1402.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1404.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 1MB 1997-09-05
1404.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 3MB 1997-09-05
1406.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 888KB 1997-09-05
1409.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 184KB 1997-09-05
1410.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 980KB 1997-09-05
1412.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
1412.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 4MB 1997-09-05
1414.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 685KB 1997-09-05
1418.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 876KB 1997-09-05
1420.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1422.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 2MB 1997-09-05
1441.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 185KB 1997-09-05
1442.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 844KB 1997-09-05
1444.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1446.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1448.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 955KB 1997-09-05
1450.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
1450.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 3MB 1997-09-05
1452.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1454.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1457.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 119KB 1997-09-05
1458.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1460.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 821KB 1997-09-05
1462.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 938KB 1997-09-05
1464.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 936KB 1997-09-05
1466.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 1MB 1997-09-05
1466.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 3MB 1997-09-05
1468.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 2MB 1997-09-05
1470.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 848KB 1997-09-05
1472.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 933KB 1997-09-05
1473.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 172KB 1997-09-05
1474.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 749KB 1997-09-05
1476.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 2MB 1997-09-05
1478.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1482.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 886KB 1997-09-05
1484.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 828KB 1997-09-05
1488.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 935KB 1997-09-05
1490.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1492.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 647KB 1997-09-05
1494.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
1494.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 3MB 1997-09-05
1496.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1498.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 856KB 1997-09-05
1500.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 904KB 1997-09-05
1502.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 942KB 1997-09-05
1506.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1508.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1510.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 1MB 1997-09-05
1510.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 3MB 1997-09-05
1511.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 626KB 1997-09-05
1512.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 829KB 1997-09-05
1514.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1516.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1518.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1522.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1524.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 837KB 1997-09-05
1526.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
1526.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 4MB 1997-09-05
1528.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1530.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1532.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1534.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 877KB 1997-09-05
1536.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 857KB 1997-09-05
1537.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 183KB 1997-09-05
1538.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 867KB 1997-09-05
1540.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1542.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 824KB 1997-09-05
1544.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 998KB 1997-09-05
1546.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1548.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 1MB 1997-09-05
1548.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 3MB 1997-09-05
1550.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 975KB 1997-09-05
1553.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 181KB 1997-09-05
1554.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1556.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1558.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1560.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 906KB 1997-09-05
1562.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1564.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1566.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
1566.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 4MB 1997-09-05
1570.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 954KB 1997-09-05
1572.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
1572.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 4MB 1997-09-05
1573.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 966KB 1997-09-05
1574.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 840KB 1997-09-05
1576.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1578.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 738KB 1997-09-05
1580.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1582.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1585.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 162KB 1997-09-05
1586.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 754KB 1997-09-05
1588.mi Microsoft Compound Document 4 2MB 1997-09-05
1588.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 4 3MB 1997-09-05
1590.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 938KB 1997-09-05
1596.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 786KB 1997-09-05
1598.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 874KB 1997-09-05
1601.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 168KB 1997-09-05
1602.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1604.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1606.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 904KB 1997-09-05
1608.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 944KB 1997-09-05
1610.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1612.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
1614.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 1MB 1997-09-05
1614.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 3MB 1997-09-05
1618.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
4048.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
4060.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
4090.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
5006.mi Microsoft Compound Document 4 1MB 1997-09-05
5006.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 4 3MB 1997-09-05
5008.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
5008.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 4MB 1997-09-05

Images (10)

Audio & Music (1)
S7.wav Waveform Audio File Format 1m26s 8MB 1997-08-14

Videos (1)


Text (2)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
AUTORUN.INF Windows Autorun File 3 30b 1997-06-30
Disk3.id Text File 2 3b 1995-05-01

Other Files (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
AutoPlay.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 4 173KB 1997-08-06